Types of Beer from around the world

Beer is a beverage that’s been enjoyed for centuries. You might be surprised at how many different types there are! Some traditional beers have unchanged recipes, but thanks to recent microbrewing trends you can now try some non-traditional flavours as well

The best part about beer? There really isn’t just one type – so whether your taste buds need something sweeter or saltier we’ve got it covered!.

Some beers are light and refreshing, while others are dark and hearty. No matter what your preference is, there’s sure to be a type of beer that you’ll enjoy. Here are just a few of the many types of beer that you can find from around the globe. 

1. American Pale Ale 

2. Pilsner

3. Amber Ale

4. Indian Pale Ale

5. Lager

6. Stout

Beer is an interesting drink that has long been enjoyed around the world. The styles of beer vary depending on what you want to call them, how they’re brewed and who’s drinking them – but there are some common threads connecting these drinks together!

American Pale Ale 

The pale ale is one of the most famous beers in America. It’s a refreshing, golden colour that ranges from light to dark amber-hued according to its popularity among drinkers at any given time – but no matter what kind you get it’ll always be medium-bodied and have plenty going on flavour-wise too!

The classic pale ale has been reinvented by American breweries across the country. With each passing day, independent brewmasters are experimenting with local ingredients to craft flavours that push beer conventions and boundaries as we know them–a true reflection of where our tastes have gone in recent years!

Pale Ale

A glass of American Pale Ale


The light, crisp taste of a pilsner can’t be matched. The style captured the attention all across Europe and inspired countless imitations in its wake which still plague us today with boring beer goggles on every time we drink another bland lager from our local liquor store fridge section!

There’s nothing more refreshing than enjoying this beautifully designed beverage during those hot summer days when you need something cold but don’t want too much flavour or complexity – just pure refreshment at its finest. 

Classic German-style pilsners are usually straw to pale in colour with a malty sweetness that can be perceived both aromatically and flavorfully. The hop bitterness is medium, offering enough for your taste buds but not too much so you’ll miss out on other aspects like aroma or palate presence respectively. They also have more noble type flavours than those found within the different style known as “Bohemian Pilzer Style,” which has lower levels of perceived Bitterness because they lack any kind at all.

Pilsner Glass

Pilsner Beer

Amber Ale

You may have heard the name before – American Amber Ale. The colour of this beer is what makes it special, as well as its flavour! It’s derived from caramel and crystal malts which are roasted for an added depth in taste that many people enjoy on their palate when they drink amber ale styles such as English pale ales or Irish stouts. The versatile amber ale is a perfect match for grilled or barbecued food, as the roasted flavours complement seared proteins. This makes this beer type an annual favourite at backyard cookouts across America!

Amber Ale

Amber Ale

Indian Pale Ale

India pale ales or IPA’s for short have been around since the 1800s when they first came into being. A lot of people love IPAs because it’s an easy-going beer that you can drink at any time with no complaints from anyone – but if someone wants something stronger then there is also Imperial India Pale Ale which has even more hoppy flavour and aroma as well as bitterness levels higher than most other styles out on tap these days!

The growth of craft beer can be attributed to the curiosity that American drinkers have shown in trying something new. The demand for hops has led some breweries, such as the Sierra Nevada, to create beers with an increased alcohol content (IPA) – which is why these types became so popular among consumers who enjoy the flavour without any calories or guilt!

Glass of Indian Pale Ale



Lagers are a lighter and clearer style of beer than ales. They have a lower alcohol content as well, but higher sugar content which results in their signature crisp taste! The yeast used for lagering doesn’t rise up as regular beers do- it stays at the bottom where there’s more room temperature around to encourage fermentation quickly without causing unnecessary heat challenges during processing time.

Glass of Lager

A glass of cool lager


The dark, rich flavours of an American Stout are perfect for those cold winter nights. Some say it has roots in history dating back to colonial times when people would use coffee grounds and grains they didn’t want so much as stir into their tea – but we’ll leave that up to debate!

The American Stout is a variant of the European style, with generous quantities to offer as well. It can be enjoyed year-round but it’s most commonly associated fall through wintertime because this type has been developed over time and thrives best in these conditions where there are higher amounts of black barley used which give more bitterness than red varieties do naturally

It holds true that like other styles prized by brewers across America (i..e., IPA), stouts featuring intensive hopping antics will always have us craving another sip!

It’s 5:00 pm- in winter and one of my favourite drinks has to be a Stout. It’s a dark and delicious American beer that’s perfect for winter. It has an unforgettable aroma, with flavours as rich as its colour tone of brown to black levels on the spectrum–perfection!

Glass of stout


These are six of my favourite beers from around the world. I really do enjoy tasting different ales and so change my tastes depending on my mood, season or activity. I hope you enjoyed this article and you also continue to enjoy and experiment with these beer styles.

For the love of beer! Enjoy!

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